Thursday, January 8, 2015


Noah, Wyatt, Amelia, and Logan,

I have been thinking a lot lately about heartbreak. Maybe it is because over the past few months I have suffered some heartbreak. My children heartbreak is inevitable. You have 2 choices you can be bitter and close yourself off from everyone or you can have faith that things will be ok. Choose the second option. Do not close yourself off for fear that the other person does not feel the same way. Be honest, talk to the person it may surprise you. It may not be the answer you want but it is one you need to hear. Sometimes the answer is yes they feel the way you do and then there is a sigh of relief. If the answer is no then you have your answer. While your heart may break and it may fee like you can't breath please remember it is temporary. You will be OK. God will put the right person in your life when it is the right time. It may not be on your time line but please remember God's time is perfect. Then there is the other kind of heartbreak where both of you may like each other but it is not the right time. And that is OK! They may have things going on in their life they need to figure out before they can fully commit. You may have things you need to figure out also before you can get into a relationship. That is ok too. The best relationships are born out of friendship. Do not for a minute stop living your life while waiting for that other person to get theirs together. Live and if at some point your lives intersect and it is the right time and place then go for it. In the mean time remain their friend go out, laugh, have a good time. And when you do fall in love, love with everything you have. You will be happier, trust me.



Well hello there

Wow I cannot believe it has been almost 3 years since I have blogged! So much has happened, but where to begin. First the kids are doing great! We moved to a new school this year and they are all flourishing. One of the nest things about the new school is that it is k-12. We do not have to move schools ever again, which makes this mama happy! Noah is almost 11 and in 4th grade. Wyatt just turned 9 and is in 3rd grade. Amelia will be 7 in a few days and she is in first grade. Logan is 5 and in kinder. Noah has discovered his love of basket ball and is doing quite well at it too. Wyatt has joined the Y's swim team and loves it. Amelia joined a competitive cheer team last year and LOVES it. Logan is still figuring out what he loves. he is in gymnastics and he will start soccer next week. I have decided to go back to school and finish up my bachelors. I was laid off 2 years ago and have done some contract work here and there but nothing permanent. I figure this will open more doors for me. So far I love the major I have chosen and am doing well. I started this blog with the intention of writing down the memories the kids and I make. I still fully intend to do that along with any advice for them that I may want to give them later in life. So I hope to blog at least once a week or more if I can.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Where has the time gone?!?!

Wow it has been awhile since I have written! We are doing well. The boys had a great rest of the year at school.
 Noah received the math award this year for the entire first grade. I am so proud of him. In March his dad and I went to his neurologist appointment. We finally received a diagnosis for him. It has been eight years in the making. Though it was not what either one of us were expecting. Cerebral Palsy. I have had a hard time with this news. I was prepared for a few other things. This was not one of them. Honestly it was like someone had taken all the air out of me. I have come around since but it was a rough road. It just feels so finally. There will be no getting better but at the same time no getting worse. I just wish we could have had this information 8 years ago. But it is what it is and we are dealing with it. He is such an amazing young man. His story is definitely just getting started :)

And then we have Wyatt. He is a mess :) He placed high in his schools standardized testing. I am happy to say that he has been invited to apply for an exclusive charter school. I am on the fence if I want him to go, but I am going to apply just to see if he can get in. I am soooo Proud of him too! I am not quite sure where I get these smarties from!

Amelia well what can I say about my princess...She is doing great! We think that she has celiacs and so she has been on a gluten free diet for the last 2 months and she has done a complete 180! She has grown and gained weight and her hair has grown!!!! I have been able to do pig tails which makes me soooo happy! I have had to prepare her for the fact that her BFF from school is going to be going to a different school. Neither one of the girls are so happy about that. lol :)

And last but not least Logan- He is such a stinker. Little bit may be my fault ;) He is my baby! My last one! He is turning 3 in less then a week. I am trying to work with him on his behavior. He is a little on the  wild side. If anyone has any suggestions please send them this way. He is doing well at daycare/school which is a relief only gets in trouble sometimes. lol He is going to have an avengers birthday and I am so grateful that I have a very dear friend that is going to help me get it set up. I will try to put pictures up after.

And now time for some pictures that were taken at the little ones daycare
Wyatt age 6

Logan age  2 

Noah age 8

Amelia age 4 

My babies :) 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thanks living

Day 5- I am thankful for my mom, who has been my biggest support. I honestly could not have made it this far without her!
Day 6- This one is for you Megan! I am thankful I did not run the Whiterock half marathon this past weekend. But that is my goal for next year! I want to do one before I turn 30
Day 7- I am thankful for my friends who keep me focused on school and graduating!!!!!!!
Day 8- That it is dead week at school so that I can work on a final project

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Days 2-4

Day 2--I am thankful for Noah. He teaches me to be patient.
Day 3--Thankful for friends who make sure that your school work gets done (thanks AZ)
Day 4-- I am thankful for school and that i have the opportunity to go thanks to my Mom :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanks Living day 1

I am thankful for life's little surprises. At school not going to lie I was a little scared that I was not going to pass one of my classes. But have found out today that I am....So that means I will GRADUATE!!!!!! and then knowing that you still run across someones mind :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanks Living

At Church this Week the Pastor discussed Thanks Living. I know so many people did the 30 days of Thankfulness for November. I think I am going to do 31 days of Thanks Living for Christmas. I am going to be thankful each day for something that has happened that day, good or bad.